Aaron S. Okrent
Aaron S. Okrent is a 1988 cum laude graduate from the Seattle University School of Law. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications from the University of Washington. He has been a partner at Sternberg Thomson Okrent & Scher, PLLC since 1994 and for over a decade has served as an Arbitrator in the King County Superior Court. Mr. Okrent's practice emphasizes Personal Injury and Litigation.
Mr. Okrent has presented and argued cases in the Washington State Supreme Court, Divisions I, II, and III of the Washington State Courts of Appeals, and in various Superior Courts throughout the State of Washington. He is the former Chair of the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Committee for the Washington State Bar Association.
Personal Injury: Mr. Okrent's and his law partner, Scott R. Scher's team approach to their personal injury cases provides their clients the confidence that all details and strategies of their case are competently analyzed and evaluated. This team approach is especially effective when negotiating your case with various insurance adjusters. They bring their combined 50 years of working on personal injury matters to assist their clients in maximizing their personal injury recoveries.